Soul Shifting Heroine – Ryusei Blue

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65min / making 5min


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Rina Utimura  Shiori Amami 
Tadayuki Hasegawa
Ryusei Blue defeats the enemies one by one! And she struggles on to the cadre, Adarjo! The heroine overpowers the enemy but Adarjo shoots the newly invented weapon. Ryusei Blue uses a barrier to blocks the beam but they get dragged into the energy. Ryusei Blue returns to the base but Red screams, ‘You are Adarjo! How did you get here?’ On the other side, same thing was happening to Adarjo. The two girls are puzzled by this accident. Then Adarjo finds out that their souls were switched due to that energy going out of control. The female cadre decides to use this opportunity to eradicate the hero team! Can Ryusei Blue stop Adarjo and retrieve her own body!? [BAD END]