Privacy Policy
- *Declaration
GIGA Co., Ltd. ("GIGA") takes your privacy and the use of your information seriously with its strict standard.GIGA also makes it a priority to respect it and be sensitive to the use of your information such as name, E-mail address, phone number and so on, which GIGA has obtained to establish,provide and enhance customer services and meet your request for services.The site administrator and the employees of GIGA handle personal information in accordance with applicable regulations,guidelines and laws such as Act on the Protection of Personal Information, a Japanese law, and do not ever abuse accumulated personal data.
- *Your Responsibility and Choice
You affirm and accept this privacy policy ( “Privacy Policy”) by visiting the website of GIGA (“the Site”) or using the service of the Site(“the Service”).You may use the Japanese version of our Privacy Policy as a reference if necessary.You have the choice to opt out at the begining,for instance, when you are registered.You also have a choice to opt out by contacting GIGA by E-mail or phone if you do not want to continue your usership or membership and the like. Please be advised that you provide your personal identifiable information at your own risk.
- *Cookies
The Site uses cookies, pieces of information, which are used for storing technical information concerning the Site. Disabling cookies can cause problems to access the Site. Please make sure your browser security is set "Medium."
- *Payment Information
You may provide the information concerning your payment in order for you to make a purchase.
However,all the details of your credit card are not available to GIGA. A credit card settlement agency, handles your credit card processing and transaction. However, the Site Administrator observes financial information on users such as information on payments made.
- * No Information from Children Accumulated
GIGA does not have any intention to collect information from children under the age defined by applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which you live.
- * Exceptions
1) Although GIGA is committed to protecting personally identifiable information, there will be an occasion to collect or disclose it without getting your consent in regard to risk management purposes or legal actions such as court orders, permissions or requirements by National,State,local or international laws.
2) Although GIGA makes efforts to protect personal data, no data is guaranteed for complete security in the world of the Internet.It might be a possibility for a third party to hack into the Site,control or access personal data illegally,We are not liable for any warranties of the security of personal information.
- *Changes to Privacy Policy
GIGA reserves the right to revise Privacy Policy. Please check the updated version periodically so that you are fully aware of any changes that you should know.
- *Inquiry
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail.
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- January 30, 2017 GIGA Co., Ltd.
© 2025 GIGA Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.